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Wanderpokal Information

What does "Wanderpokal"mean?

It is a German word that means "challenge cup"

How do I pronounce "Wanderpokal"?

It is pronounced van-der-po-Kal

All games 11 v 11
35 minute halves
Guaranteed 4 games 

Age Groups:                       Coordinators: 
18 & Over                            Kevin Poveda
30 & Over                            Kevin Poveda/Glenn Linz
40 & Over                            Glenn Linz
50 & Over                            Rich Walke
60 & Over#                           Bob Madriago
65 & Over#                                          Marty Parachou

# Must have 4 teams registered or these divisions will be combined
* All divisions except 18 & Over allow up to 3 players per team 2 years younger

All games are outside on grass.
Must have valid Drivers License or Passport as proof of age.
Age is determined by age on December 31, 2023 (except Over-18)
Registration, Roster, & $950 per team are required when you apply.
Deadline is April 30, 2023 or until sold out

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